Created by Liam Edward Brennan
Close to Home is a film I was commissioned to create for Photorealistic Artist
Bronwyn Hill.
This was a great chance for me to take full control over a Documentary, from concept, to shooting, editing and Colour grade. You could call it an excercise in purism!
So much of Bron’s work is inspired by natural light, so I took that inspiration on as my own, and pushed to only use natural light. Shaping it with diffusion and negative fill, and choosing to shoot at perfect times of day for each scene over a 2 day period, in order to stay true to her approach as an artist, and try to feel like a true artist myself!
The only time I used lighting was during the night scene, using a mixture of RGB practicals and 1 led tube. I loved taking this considered approach, and I think it has turned out gorgeous.
Red Gemini and Sigma Cine Primes